Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Best Friends

When we first discussed getting a puppy, my first thought was that I hoped Adell would develop a special bond with our new furry family member.  I think these two are on their way to becoming best friends for life.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Cael crated

Cael seems to think he belongs in the puppy crate.  He's probably in there more than the puppy is.  He loves to climb in and close the door.  I wonder why he feels like he needs to be in a cage?  Funny boy!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Momma's Boy

To say that Cael is a "Momma's Boy" may be an understatement.  He literally follows me everywhere I go, and typically has a meltdown whenever he anticipates I'm leaving him behind.  Although it make life more difficult at times, I can't help feel a tug at my heartstrings knowing that he loves me so much. 
On Sunday morning, I was asked to give the closing prayer in Sacrament meeting.  Church is always hard on Cael, and this day's meeting was no exception.  His patience was worn out by the time the final hymn began.  As the final verse was coming to a close, and it was time for me to head to the pulpit, I realized there was no way I would slip up there unnoticed since Cael was situated in my lap with no intention to move.  I gently pulled him off and handed him to Dad.  His reaction was immediate, and not unexpected, and he went into full meltdown mode.  I didn't have time to look back, I just assumed Wade would take him out.  I marched up to the pulpit and didn't look back, trying not to cringe at the sounds of my toddler's desperate crying.
I prayed my little prayer to close the meeting, a little flustered because of the commotion. I finished the prayer, opened my eyes, turned to head back, and noticed the tiny person standing next to me.  He had apparently followed me up to the pulpit.  Hunched and defeated he stood there, head down, shoulders slumped, just standing there.  The image in my brain is one I am not likely to forget.  I've seen Cael do this before, many times, but somehow it felt a little different as I opened my eyes and took in the image.
To him, I am his whole world. It probably won't always be that way.  Today, he followed me because he just couldn't bear to let me walk away without him.  Today I remembered just how much trust this little person places in his mom.  I quickly scooped up that little boy, all sad and defeated at my feet, and carried him back to where our family was sitting.  His warm little body melted into mine and he laid his head gently on my shoulder.  I soaked in his warmth and thought for the thousandth time just how lucky I am to be his mommy.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Mini Family

I just had to record this somewhere:
Wade has a friend named Tom Liddle that he has been friends with since high school.  He has a wife (Rachael) and six daughters.  This year we went with their family to Disneyland and had the time of our lives.  Needless to say, the girls got to know this family pretty well.  Today we received a Christmas card from the Liddle family.  Mia instantly recognized their family from the photo.  She told me, "Hey, Mom, look at the picture!  It's our friends the Mini family!"  I've been laughing about it all afternoon.  So cute!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Grandma's Campout 2015

Grandma's hosts a campout in her backyard every year for the grandkids.  Needless to say, it's always a highlight of the summer.  Grandma puts an incredible amount of time and effort into making it fun and always does a great job.  This year, she had Sarah Jacobsen from Wild Wonders come put on an animal show.  We had Sarah do her show at Adell's birthday party last year.  It was such a success, that Grandma decided to repeat it.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Life in Pink

This is what it's like to live with three older sisters.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Dance Recital 2015

My sweet little dancers!  Great job, girls!