Saturday, January 30, 2016

Puppy love

It's pretty hard not to love a puppy. :)

Monday, January 18, 2016


We are sure loving this little Beagle puppy!  He's a great addition to our family.  He's good with the kids, easy to train, and has a great personality.  Wish he could stay a puppy for a little longer!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Hannah's Gratitude FHE

Hannah was so excited to share a lesson in Family Home Evening that she had prepared with Grandma.  She gave everyone a notebook and asked us to write five things we are grateful for.  She also shared a story about a grumpy owl and a happy owl and explained that their circumstances were actually very similar, they both had food to eat, a place to call home and a family, but one had a sour attitude and wasn't grateful for what he had.  The other owl was happy and thought often about how grateful he was for all the wonderful things in his life.  It was a perfect reminder about gratitude and how any situation can warrant something to be grateful for.
I was so amazed as I watched Hannah give her little lesson - all full of enthusiasm and wonder.  She was just so sweet and clearly put her heart into the things she was sharing.  We all shared what we had written, and felt the sweet spirit of gratitude in our hearts.  She encouraged us to keep the notebooks and use it as our gratitude journals.  We are going to try to continually add things that we feel grateful for.
Hannah is such a bright spot.  She cares so deeply and feels so much.  It was wonderful to watch her, with such confidence and light, share something important to her.  I love her so much.

Ranger loves his family

Ranger seems to have folded right in to our family.  He loves the kids!  He's always looking for a lap to snuggle into.

Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year's Day 2016

It's New Year's Day - let's start 2016!  Today, I'm just feeling especially grateful for these beautiful kids.  I love them so much!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Best Friends

When we first discussed getting a puppy, my first thought was that I hoped Adell would develop a special bond with our new furry family member.  I think these two are on their way to becoming best friends for life.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Cael crated

Cael seems to think he belongs in the puppy crate.  He's probably in there more than the puppy is.  He loves to climb in and close the door.  I wonder why he feels like he needs to be in a cage?  Funny boy!